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[LEUKEMIA]Hello, you are Visitor Number 58894 on this page.

Journal Profile
Journal TitleLEUKEMIA
Journal Title AbbreviationsLEUKEMIA
CiteScoreSJRSNIPCiteScore Rank
Subject fieldQuartilesRankPercentile
Category: Medicine
Subcategory: Hematology
Q17 / 137
Category: Medicine
Subcategory: Oncology
Q124 / 404
Category: Medicine
Subcategory: Cancer Research
Q117 / 230

Self-Citation Ratio (2020-2021)4.90%
期刊简介Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Official Website
Online Manuscript Submission
Open AccessNo
Subject AreaMedicine
Country/Area of PublicationENGLAND
Publication FrequencyMonthly
Year Publication Started1997
Annual Article Volume186
Gold OA文章占比
Indexing (SCI or SCIE)Science Citation Index
Science Citation Index Expanded
Link to PubMed Central (PMC)
Average Duration of Peer Review *Authorized Data from Publisher:
Data from Authors: Ordinary, 3-6 Week(s)
Competitiveness *Data from Authors: Very difficult
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  Reviews on LEUKEMIA: Write a review
Author: Anonymous

Subject Area: Medical Science
Duration of Peer Review: 1.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2016-08-22 11:46:40
I just submitted an article several days ago, but I haven’t heard back about a decision. I’m not sure why.

(0) Thank | Anonymous

Author: 吐纳惜梦

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2024-06-11 20:18:12
Review speed: 6.0 | Submission hit rate: 50.0
Emphasized research direction: Blood diseases; Sharing experience in drug research: Just submitted to this journal, under consideration status, waiting a bit longer.
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(0) Thank | 吐纳惜梦

Author: 重阳凌文

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2024-05-05 18:07:01
Friends, how long does it take for something to be under consideration? I've been waiting for over half a month
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(0) Thank | 重阳凌文

Author: 小美

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 3.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2024-05-02 15:58:22
Friends, how long does "under consideration" usually last, and what stage does it belong to? It has been unchanged for over ten days ?
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(0) Thank | 小美

Author: 宛旋小公主

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2023-11-16 12:14:55
How long did it take for the OP to submit for review?
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(0) Thank | 宛旋小公主

Author: 南川烨霖

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2023-10-07 10:09:50
How do you know if you have been rejected? Did you receive an email, or does decision send to reviewers mean rejection?
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(0) Thank | 南川烨霖

Author: 四风如彤

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2023-08-03 19:18:08
I was not asked to redo the experiment by the reviewers, just to revise the written content. The editor rejected it too
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(0) Thank | 四风如彤

Author: 震雷暄妍

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2023-07-27 23:09:22
Review Speed: 12.0 Experience Sharing: Academic editors feel busy and respond slowly
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(0) Thank | 震雷暄妍

Author: 天际桂霞

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-07-26 21:54:23
I also want to know, does anyone know?
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(0) Thank | 天际桂霞

Author: 天际桂霞

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-07-26 17:14:17
We think the same
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(0) Thank | 天际桂霞

Author: 天际桂霞

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-07-26 12:07:25
I also want to know
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(0) Thank | 天际桂霞

Author: 天际桂霞

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-07-26 09:06:34
May I ask what is the status of the external audit submission? Is it also under consideration?
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(0) Thank | 天际桂霞

Author: 筑阳新春

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-07-22 12:04:39
It's a shame that I found out too late, thank you, senior
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(0) Thank | 筑阳新春

Author: 墟散伟博

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-07-14 19:46:01
Yes, leukemia tends to be more clinical, but if the mechanism is well studied, it's best to publish in basic journals like NC
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(0) Thank | 墟散伟博

Author: 墟散伟博

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-07-14 17:55:48
This means that there are too many images in each small image in your main image, and leikemia magazine is about to be published. The main image is too large to affect the layout space, so you need to transfer a large number of small images from the main image to the supplementary image
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(0) Thank | 墟散伟博

Author: 活人幼珊

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-06-16 14:48:03
Could you please provide the submission process for the difficult magazine?
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(0) Thank | 活人幼珊

Author: 碧水采香

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-06-16 08:43:59
Hello, do you know what this means? How many pictures do we need after all?
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(0) Thank | 碧水采香

Author: 风啸俊衡

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-05-14 12:41:20
I am also a reviewer and my opinions can completely resolve the issue, but they were rejected by the editor
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(0) Thank | 风啸俊衡

Author: 风啸俊衡

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-05-13 22:33:28
Review speed: 4.0
Emphasis on research direction: mechanism; 
Leukemia drug experience sharing: The review took three months, with two reviewers suggesting major revisions. The editor rejected the paper directly. It seems they value functionality more than mechanism
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(0) Thank | 风啸俊衡

Author: 筑阳新春

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-04-24 11:22:59
The editor sent an email saying that figures are heavily overloaded, each figure with more than 3 subfigures count twice. Does anyone know what this means?
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(0) Thank | 筑阳新春

Author: 法慧和同

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-02-10 19:23:04
Field to be filled
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(0) Thank | 法慧和同

Author: 法慧和同

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-02-10 18:10:50
The associate editor should directly reject this
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(0) Thank | 法慧和同

Author: 法慧和同

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-02-10 18:10:17
Research Proposal
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(0) Thank | 法慧和同

Author: 法慧和同

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-02-10 17:15:41
Just wait a few more days
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(0) Thank | 法慧和同

Author: Zora Taylor

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-02-10 08:45:53
Got rejected, sad
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(0) Thank | Zora Taylor

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