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[JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE]Hello, you are Visitor Number 100324 on this page.

Journal Profile
Journal Title AbbreviationsJ EXP MED
CiteScoreSJRSNIPCiteScore Rank
Subject fieldQuartilesRankPercentile
Category: Medicine
Subcategory: Immunology and Allergy
Q110 / 233
Category: Medicine
Subcategory: Immunology
Q112 / 236

Self-Citation Ratio (2020-2021)1.60%
期刊简介Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Official Website
Online Manuscript Submission
Open AccessNo
Subject AreaMedicine
Country/Area of PublicationUNITED STATES
Publication FrequencySemimonthly
Year Publication Started1896
Annual Article Volume150
Gold OA文章占比
Indexing (SCI or SCIE)Science Citation Index
Science Citation Index Expanded
Link to PubMed Central (PMC)
Average Duration of Peer Review *Authorized Data from Publisher:
Data from Authors: Ordinary, 3-8 Week(s)
Competitiveness *Data from Authors: Very difficult
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*All review process metrics, such as acceptance rate and review speed, are limited to our user-submitted manuscripts. As such they may not reflect the journals' exact competitiveness or speed.
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Author: King Julian

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2024-10-17 19:05:23
Boss, could you please provide the complete timeline for me to review? Thank you.
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(0) Thank | King Julian

Author: 破戒曼珍

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2024-01-29 21:54:34
Review Speed: 1.0 | Submission Acceptance Rate: 25.0 
Emphasized Research Area: Immunology 
Experience Sharing: Articles on immunology are recommended
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(0) Thank | 破戒曼珍

Author: 平原英豪

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2023-03-20 22:05:46
What magazine is G & D?
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(0) Thank | 平原英豪

Author: 梦晨小公主

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-10-11 08:28:50
Hello, may I ask how long it took for you to reply?
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(0) Thank | 梦晨小公主

Author: 香雪大叔

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-09-10 12:12:23
It's really not easy
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(0) Thank | 香雪大叔

Author: 无相秀菊

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-09-04 16:05:56
Hello, may I ask how long is the preliminary review process expected to take?
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(0) Thank | 无相秀菊

Author: 香雪大叔

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-08-23 19:19:13
It's not easy
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(0) Thank | 香雪大叔

Author: 慧俊小仙女

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-08-20 13:23:34
Not very positive, it's tragic
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(0) Thank | 慧俊小仙女

Author: 辉夜一莹

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-08-06 19:31:07
JEM, EMBO J, JCI, G&D are all my dream journals, and I want them all!
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(0) Thank | 辉夜一莹

Author: 长安元绿

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-05-16 22:00:21
It's been 12 days since submission, and the status is still "Initial Manuscript Assessment Started." Should I send an email to inquire about it?
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(0) Thank | 长安元绿

Author: 长安元绿

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-05-16 22:00:13
How about it? Have the opinions come back? How many reviewers? Are the opinions positive?
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(0) Thank | 长安元绿

Author: 语萍酱大魔王

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-04-16 22:35:29
Review speed: 1.0 | Submission acceptance rate: 25.0 Emphasis on research direction: Immunology Experience sharing: Submitted in January, reviewed by two reviewers, both opinions were relatively positive. Spent 3 months doing additional experiments, then accepted in February, and officially online a month and a half later. Original Western Blot data needs to be provided
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(0) Thank | 语萍酱大魔王

Author: 慧俊小仙女

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-03-15 21:39:50
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(0) Thank | 慧俊小仙女

Author: 慧俊小仙女

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-03-06 13:16:22
Submission acceptance rate: 50.0
Preferred research direction: Immunology
Sharing of immunological experiences: This is the time to wait for revision comments. Under External Review. 2022-02-22 Initial Manuscript Assessment Started. Initial QC Complete. 2022-02-10 Initial QC Started. 2022-02-09 Author Approved Converted Files. 2022-02-09 Preliminary Manuscript Data Submitted
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(0) Thank | 慧俊小仙女

Author: 静心经义

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2022-01-07 12:11:13
Will I receive an email notification for the review meeting?
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(0) Thank | 静心经义

Author: 维尔娜菲茨杰拉德

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2021-12-30 17:23:56
ORCID is the Researcher and Contributor ID, an open nonprofit organization. The ORCID ID is a unique and persistent academic identity for contributors, allowing authors to be distinguished from other researchers and to document all related research activities
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(0) Thank | 维尔娜菲茨杰拉德

Author: Oswald Edie

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2021-12-27 20:16:56
What is ORCID ID? How to register?
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(0) Thank | Oswald Edie

Author: 桃花欣嘉

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2021-06-16 19:03:07
Review Speed: 1.0
Focus of Study: Immunology
Experience Sharing: The reviewers are all immunology experts, very friendly, and ask questions quite professionally. The manuscript underwent major revisions on 3 figures, with the following timeline:
Preliminary Manuscript Data Submitted 2021-01-02 22:40:02
Under External Review 2021-01-14 17:08:05
Decision Sent to Author 2021-02-16 16:07:39
Revision Received 2021-05-05 22:26:29
Decision Sent to Author 2021-06-08 16:45:18
Manuscript Sent to Production 2021-06-17 16:08:32
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(0) Thank | 桃花欣嘉

Author: 斯羽酱吖

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2021-05-06 19:15:49
May I ask how many reviewers are there? Thank you very much
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(0) Thank | 斯羽酱吖

Author: 斯羽酱吖

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2021-05-06 17:48:12
Congratulations! How many reviewers were there at that time?
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(0) Thank | 斯羽酱吖

Author: Nigel Frederick

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2021-04-21 22:04:01
Hello, may I ask about your experience in submitting articles to JEM? Would you be willing to discuss it privately?
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(0) Thank | Nigel Frederick

Author: 筑阳婵娟

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2020-10-08 18:13:08
Review speed: 1.0 | Submission acceptance rate: 25.0
Sharing of experience: First review takes one month, just for your reference
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(0) Thank | 筑阳婵娟

Author: 云来又容

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2017-09-08 19:47:49
11.99                                                                                                                                185****0357 No nickname   2017-06-15: SCI(2015):11.24 SCI(2014):12.515 JEM IF all the way down. Lower than NC, the magazine's publishing concept is not right-- too focused on the immunology field. But without those big group sub-journals, it will continue to be unattractive. It is not impossible for JCB, another old magazine from the same publishing house, to fall a lot as well
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(0) Thank | 云来又容

Author: 削月以松

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2017-06-15 13:42:42
JEM's IF is declining all the way, lower than NC. The editorial idea of the magazine is wrong... too focused on the immune field, but without the attractiveness of those large group's sub magazines. If this continues, it is not impossible for another old magazine from the same publishing house, JCB, to fall significantly as well
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(0) Thank | 削月以松

Author: 千蕊少女

Subject Area: Medicine
Duration of Peer Review: 0.0 month(s)
Result: Pending & Unknown

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Reviewed 2017-04-20 23:35:20
It's too hard for a professional in the field of immunology
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(0) Thank | 千蕊少女

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