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The Manuscript Cover Letter


Amy Clark, Associate Editor

June 2020

Many journals require a cover letter to accompany your manuscript submission. Even when a journal states a cover letter is optional, it is a good idea to include one. Addressed to the journal Editor-in-Chief, the cover letter succinctly introduces your research and explains why it is relevant to the readership of the journal. The cover letter may also include statements and disclosures required by the journal as well as names and contact information of potential reviewers. The style and tone of the letter should be professional and collegial. The length should be no more than one page.

The template provided at the end of this article will help you efficiently complete the task of writing the cover letter. If your target journal’s Author Instructions include specifications for the cover letter, make sure you tailor your letter according to the journal’s requirements.

What should typically be included in a cover letter?

What else could be included in a cover letter and may be requested by the journal?

What should not be included in a cover letter?

Download Template

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