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Letpub, Scientific Editing Services, Manuscript Editing Service

Equipment, Devices, and Reagents: How to Write About Products Used in Your Study

The Materials and Methods section of a scientific paper is often considered the easiest section of a manuscript to write and edit. However, in a recent study of scientific manuscript journal rejections, nearly 30% of the reasons for rejection are related to writing errors in the Materials and Methods section. At LetPub we have learned to take extra care when helping our authors fine-tune their Materials and Methods sections. One of the most common questions we receive about this section is how to write about products used such as equipment, devices, and reagents; this seems to be a simple task upon first glance, but we often see variation in how these products are described.

Here’s a breakdown of what authors need to know:

Let’s review some examples:

The following sentences are examples of when the “general product reference format” should be used:

Here is an instance when the authors must provide more specific information:

In the above example the supplier, city, and state information are all included.

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